Toukie Smith Children

Toukie Smith, celebrated for her dynamic presence on screen and her vibrant personality off-screen, has a life story as captivating as any script she’s brought to life. While her acting career has garnered her accolades, it’s her personal journey that adds depth to her narrative. One aspect that shines brightly in her life is her role as a mother to her Toukie Smith Children twin sons, Aaron Kendrick and Julian Henry.


Toukie Smith, known for her roles in film and television, has a life story that’s equally riveting. Her journey as a mother to twin sons, Aaron Kendrick and Julian Henry, adds layers to her already colorful life.

The De Niro Connection

Toukie Smith’s life took a turn towards extraordinary when she embarked on a romance with none other than the legendary actor Robert De Niro. Their relationship, spanning from 1985 to 1996, was not just a whirlwind of Hollywood glamor but also a testament to their deep connection. It was during this time that Toukie and Robert decided to expand their family.

The Arrival of Aaron Kendrick and Julian Henry

In 1995, Toukie Smith and Robert De Niro welcomed their twin sons, Aaron Kendrick and Julian Henry, into the world. Their birth was not without its challenges, as Toukie and Robert opted for in vitro fertilization and a surrogate mother to bring their sons into their lives. The joy that filled their hearts upon the arrival of Aaron and Julian was palpable, marking a significant chapter in Toukie’s life.

In Vitro Fertilization

For Toukie Smith and Robert De Niro, the path to parenthood involved in vitro fertilization, a process that revolutionized the way couples could conceive. This groundbreaking technique allowed Toukie and Robert to overcome biological barriers and realize their dream of starting a family together.

The Role of Surrogacy

Surrogacy played a crucial role in Toukie Smith’s journey to motherhood. By enlisting the help of a surrogate mother, Toukie and Robert found a way to bring Aaron Kendrick and Julian Henry into their lives. This decision not only showcased their determination to become parents but also highlighted the beauty of modern medical advancements.

The Meaning Behind the Name

Toukie Smith’s nickname, “Toukie,” holds a special significance in her life. She attributes its origin to her grandmother, who named her after a catchy fire engine song. This whimsical anecdote offers a glimpse into Toukie’s vibrant and energetic personality, a trait she undoubtedly passed on to her twin sons.

Aaron Kendrick and Julian Henry

Aaron Kendrick and Julian Henry, the twin sons of Toukie Smith and Robert De Niro, have undoubtedly inherited their parents’ charisma and talent. While their upbringing may have been unconventional by some standards, the love and devotion they received from Toukie and Robert have undoubtedly shaped them into remarkable individuals.

The Legacy Continues

As Aaron Kendrick and Julian Henry grow and carve their own paths in the world, they carry with them the legacy of their parents’ love and determination. Toukie Smith’s journey to motherhood serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and the boundless depths of parental love.


Toukie Smith’s life is a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, love, and determination. Her journey to motherhood, marked by the arrival of her twin sons, Aaron Kendrick and Julian Henry, stands as a testament to her unwavering spirit. Through in vitro fertilization and surrogacy, Toukie and Robert De Niro defied the odds and realized their dream of starting a family together. As Aaron and Julian continue to navigate their way through life, they do so with the knowledge that they are the products of a love story as remarkable as any Hollywood script.

By Lily

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